Dental Crowns in Brighton, MI

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are designed to cover up and protect damaged teeth. They are designed to look and feel just like natural teeth. Once a crown is in place, it covers up the tooth completely, all the way down to the gum line.

Crowns are strong, durable, and require minimal special care. They are often used to restore deeply decayed teeth, to cap infected teeth after a root canal, or to restore teeth that are cracked or damaged. Think you may need a dental crown in Brighton? Contact Bright Dentistry for a consultation with Dr. Jennifer Aminlari today.

Brighton dental crowns

Did you know…

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Dental crowns were first used as early as the year 200 ad by the Etruscan people of Italy. 

Ready to Book your Appointment?

Call (810) 626-5662 today!

What To Expect During The Dental Crowns Process

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Initial Consultation

To begin the dental crown process, you’ll come into our office for an appointment with our Brighton dentist. She will examine your mouth and determine whether or not a crown is right for you.

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Tooth Prep
And Crown Fitting

This will typically be done at a separate appointment at Bright Dentistry, but may be done right after your consultation in some cases. Dr. Jennifer Aminlari will clean and numb your mouth. Then, she will trim down your tooth to remove damaged enamel and prepare it for a crown. She will also take images and impressions of your teeth, and then attach a temporary crown to protect your tooth.

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Building Your Crown

Dr. Jennifer Aminlari will send your information to a dental lab, where your crown will be built by an expert technician. It will usually take between 2-3 weeks for your permanent crown to be built and sent back to our office.

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Final Crown Placement

Once your crown arrives at our office, you’ll come back for your final appointment. Dr. Jennifer Aminlari will remove your temporary crown, clean your tooth, then check the fit of your final crown. She can make last-minute adjustments, if necessary. Then, she will bond your crown to your tooth permanently using dental cement. After one last polish, you’ll be sent home to enjoy your new smile.

Types Of Crowns We Offer

View our services

Ceramic Crowns

Ceramic crowns are extremely long-lasting and durable. They also mimic the natural color, translucence, and appearance of tooth enamel. A high-quality ceramic crown is completely indistinguishable from a natural tooth. That’s why ceramic crowns are the most popular type of crown offered by dentists today.

Lab-Made Crowns

We work with a dental lab to build high-quality porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns. PFM crowns use a metal base with a ceramic exterior. They look natural and have a very long lifespan, so they're the best choice for permanently restoring your teeth.

Implant Crowns

Dental crowns are also used to restore dental implants. This type of crown is designed to fit permanently onto a dental implant, rather than attach to your remaining healthy tooth structure. With a dental implant crown, you can permanently replace your missing tooth after dental implant surgery.

Before and After

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Over the years the patient had noticed her teeth shifting and did not want to pursue orthodontics (braces). Dr. Aminlari placed crowns on her upper four incisors to close the spacing. The patient was thrilled she did not have to go through orthodontics and still achieved the smile she was looking for.

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Crowns + Bridge

The patient had an existing bridge that he never cared for and was embarrassed to smile. Dr. Aminlari removed existing porcelain fused to his metal bridge. She then changed the material to an all ceramic esthetic bridge and crowned three other teeth to give the patient the confidence to smile out of the office wider than he had in years.

Did you know…

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Until porcelain became more common in the middle of the 20th century,Gold was the most common material for dental crowns due to its unique combination of strength, corrosion resistance, and flexibility.

Have Questions About Dental Crowns? Get Answers Here.

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How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

Crowns can last 20-30 years with proper care. To keep your crown intact, make sure you brush and floss regularly, eat a healthy diet, and see Dr. Aminlari for preventive care, such as six-month teeth cleanings and oral exams.

Did you know…

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Cosmetic dentistry can make it easier to take care of your smile.