Tooth Extractions in Brighton, MI

When is a Tooth Extraction Necessary?

Tooth extractions are necessary when damaged, infected, or decayed tooth cannot be repaired because it’s been left untreated for too long or the damage is too severe.

You may also need an extraction if you have overcrowded teeth, gum disease, impacted teeth, or need to make more room for orthodontic treatment. At Bright Dentistry, we will always reserve tooth extractions as a last resort once we have explored all other options.

We believe in promoting minimally invasive conservative treatments that will preserve your natural oral health. However, some teeth can’t be salvaged and we can help remove the problem so you can get relief and prepare for tooth replacement. Contact a dentist around you to schedule a consultation.

tooth extractions in Brighton

Did you know…

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After an extraction, bleeding may continue for the first 24 hours.

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Call (810) 626-5662 today!

What to Expect At Your Tooth Extractions Appointment

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Initial Consultation

Dr. Aminlari will examine your tooth and take digital scans to assess the level of damage or decay. If the tooth can be saved with some other treatment, we will discuss this with you.

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Pain Relief & 
Sedation Options

Local anesthesia is administered to numb the mouth. If you prefer to be sedated for the procedure, this is an option for you. This will make you very relaxed and relieve dental anxiety.

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(Surgical Only)

To gain access to impacted teeth, we will make a surgical incision into the gums. If any bone is blocking the tooth, this will also be removed. The tooth is then sectioned for easier removal.

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Using a dental elevator, the tooth will be loosened. The elevator rocks the tooth in the socket until the ligaments are severed.

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Forceps are used to pull out the tooth once it’s very loose.

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(Surgical Only)

Any incisions will be closed with sutures. Gauze will be placed in the socket to stop the bleeding.

Types of Tooth Extractions

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This is an extraction performed on normal non-impacted teeth. Since these teeth are fully erupted and can be seen above the gum line, we don’t need to use surgical methods to gain access to the tooth.

A basic extraction may be needed because a tooth has become decayed, damaged, or needs to be removed in preparation for some other treatment. After loosening the tooth with a dental elevator, we remove it with forceps. This process is relatively fast and you will heal within a month.

Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth usually need to be removed because they are impacted. A lack of jaw space prevents them from fully erupting and this often causes problems such as pain, infection, damage to surrounding teeth, gum inflammation, difficulty cleaning the teeth, sinus problems, and cysts.

If any of these problems are occurring with your wisdom teeth, we recommend you have them removed. Impacted wisdom teeth will be removed surgically. After making an incision and sectioning the tooth, it is removed in the same way as a basic extraction. It will take 1 to 3 months to heal.

Did you know…

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You will need to avoid all forms of suction in the first 24 hours following an extraction to prevent Dry Socket.

Have Questions about Tooth Extractions? Find Answers Here.

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Are Tooth Extractions Painful?

No, extractions are not painful because we numb your mouth with a local anesthetic. However, some patients may feel disturbed, uncomfortable, or anxious by the noises, pressures, and pulling sensations that accompany extractions.

Many patients wish to be sedated so that they don’t need to be aware of their surroundings. We can make these arrangements so that you feel as comfortable as possible.

Did you know…

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Dry Socket is a painful condition that occurs when a blood clot never forms or becomes dislodged at the extraction site.


Call (810) 626 - 5662 to schedule a consultation