Veneers in Brighton, MI

What Are Veneers?

Studies show that more than half of all Americans are unhappy with their smile and would like to change the appearance of their teeth. Since how our teeth look can negatively affect our self-esteem, confidence, and mental health, veneers are a valuable cosmetic tool in improving patient quality of life. 

By bonding porcelain shells to the front-facing tooth enamel, we can hide an array of imperfections, from stains and cracks to gaps and sharp teeth. Veneers will transform your teeth into the shade, size, and shape you’ve always wanted them to be so you can feel good in your smile again. Give us a call at Bright Dentistry today to book a consultation.

Veneers in Brighton

Did you know…

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Composite veneers are not as durable or long-lasting as porcelain veneers.

Ready to schedule your appointment?

Call (810) 626-5662 today!

 What To Expect During the Veneer Placement Process

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Our dentists in Brighton will examine your teeth to determine if veneers are right for you. She will discuss your cosmetic goals and match the veneers to the shade of your natural teeth. You may want to get your teeth whitened prior to placing veneers depending on y our goals.

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Local Anesthesia

Before using a dental drill on your teeth to prep them for the placement of your veneers, we will administer local anesthesia which will numb your mouth.

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Using a dental drill, Dr. Aminlari will carefully remove .5 mm of enamel from your tooth. This creates enough space for the veneer to blend in without sticking out.

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Impressions & Fabrication

Once your teeth are prepped, we will take impressions and send these to a dental lab. They will use these impressions as a model for your veneers. It takes several weeks to create your custom veneers so you will receive temporary veneers that are worn until your next appointment.

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At your final appointment, we will remove the temporary veneers, and check the appearance and fit of your official veneers. If you are happy with them, your teeth will be etched and the veneers will be bonded with dental cement.

Before and After

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The patient came to Bright Dentistry just after finishing orthodontic work. She wanted to smile more confidently and change the shape of her teeth. Dr. Aminlari placed veneers on her six anterior teeth with minimal removal of tooth structure. The patient now has a renewed confidence with her smile for family photos.

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Veneers + Crowns

The patient noticed her teeth were starting to wear and thin over the years. She came to Bright Dentistry wanting a more youthful appearance. Dr. Aminlari placed veneers on her canine teeth and full coverage ceramic crowns the remaining four front teeth.

Did you know…

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Getting veneers is a permanent life-altering decision because we need to remove some of your natural tooth enamel.

Have Questions About Veneers? Find Answers Here.

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How Long Do Veneers Last?

Veneers have an average lifespan of 10 to 15 years but can last for well up to 20 years with careful oral hygiene practices and avoidance of damage and stains. Veneers don’t react to teeth whitening as real teeth do so you need to avoid smoking and a diet high in staining foods and drinks to avoid discoloration. Avoiding sources of wear and tear is also key to maintaining your veneers.

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Can Veneers Be Removed?

The only time veneers should be removed is to replace them with new ones. Since we file down your natural tooth enamel, removing the veneers will leave you with dangerously thin and brittle teeth that are at high risk for breakage and cavities. 

The veneers are bonded to the enamel and replace the missing layer of strength and durability so that your teeth are protected. Your natural enamel will never come back once it’s filed off.

Did you know…

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Veneers are not reversible, There is a thinner version of veneers known as lumineers which are reversible. 

Ready for your next dental appointment?

Call (810) 626-5662 to schedule today!