Oral Surgery in Brighton, MI

What is Oral Surgery?

Oral surgery refers to a variety of procedures that are performed in or around the mouth and jaw by a dentist or oral surgeon. These procedures can range from simple tooth extractions to more complex procedures such as jaw realignment surgery. Brighton Dentists and oral surgeons are trained to diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions, which may include impacted teeth, jaw-related problems, facial injuries, and oral cancer. They can also perform dental implant surgery and are skilled in managing complex facial infections. At Bright Dentistry, Dr. Aminlari offers expert oral surgery services to patients in Brighton.

tooth extractions in Brighton

Did you know…

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The world's oldest-known dental implant was discovered in a Mayan burial site dating back to 600 ad.

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The Oral Surgery Treatment Process

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Consultation and Evaluation

The first step in the oral surgery process is a comprehensive consultation and evaluation. During this appointment, Dr. Aminlari will review your medical and dental history, conduct a thorough oral examination, and may order diagnostic imaging such as X-rays or a CT scan. This is to gain a complete understanding of your oral health and to plan the best course of treatment. It's also an opportunity for you to ask any questions and discuss any concerns you may have about the upcoming procedure.

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Based on the results of your consultation and evaluation, Dr. Aminlari will develop a personalized treatment plan. This plan will detail the specific procedures needed, the estimated timeline, and the expected outcomes. The plan will also include pre-operative instructions, such as dietary restrictions or medication adjustments. At Bright Dentistry, we believe in patient-centered care, and we'll work closely with you to ensure that your treatment plan meets your needs and expectations.

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The Procedure

On the day of your procedure, you'll be made as comfortable as possible. Depending on the complexity of the surgery and your personal comfort level, various types of anesthesia options are available. Dr. Aminlari will then perform the surgery as outlined in your treatment plan. Post-operative instructions will be provided to help manage any discomfort and promote healing.

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Crown Placement

Once your implant is secure, you’ll need to return to our office for crown placement. During this appointment, the dentist will open the gum of the implant and attach an abutment. The abutment penetrates the implant and forms a place to fit the custom-made crown.

Types of Tooth Extractions

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This is an extraction performed on normal non-impacted teeth. Since these teeth are fully erupted and can be seen above the gum line, we don’t need to use surgical methods to gain access to the tooth.

A basic extraction may be needed because a tooth has become decayed, damaged, or needs to be removed in preparation for some other treatment. After loosening the tooth with a dental elevator, we remove it with forceps. This process is relatively fast and you will heal within a month.

Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth usually need to be removed because they are impacted. A lack of jaw space prevents them from fully erupting and this often causes problems such as pain, infection, damage to surrounding teeth, gum inflammation, difficulty cleaning the teeth, sinus problems, and cysts.

If any of these problems are occurring with your wisdom teeth, we recommend you have them removed. Impacted wisdom teeth will be removed surgically. After making an incision and sectioning the tooth, it is removed in the same way as a basic extraction. It will take 1 to 3 months to heal.

Did you know…

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You will need to avoid all forms of suction in the first 24 hours following an extraction to prevent Dry Socket.

The Benefits Of Oral Surgery

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Improved Oral Health

Oral surgery can significantly improve your oral health. Impacted teeth, oral infections, and gum disease can all lead to serious health problems if left untreated. By addressing these issues, oral surgery can prevent further damage and promote healthier teeth and gums.

Enhanced Appearance

Many oral surgery procedures can enhance your appearance. Dental implants, for example, can replace missing teeth and provide a more natural-looking smile. Jaw surgery can correct abnormalities that cause facial imbalance, improving your overall facial aesthetics.

Increased Comfort

Conditions such as TMJ disorders, misaligned jaws, or impacted wisdom teeth can cause chronic pain and discomfort. Oral surgery can alleviate these symptoms, increasing your comfort and improving your quality of life.

Alleviation of Facial Pain

Oral surgery is often the solution for those suffering from chronic facial pain or headaches caused by jaw misalignment, TMJ disorders, or dental issues. By addressing the root cause, oral surgery can provide long-lasting relief from discomfort.

Did you know…

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Wisdom teeth are often called "wisdom teeth" because they usually come in when a person is older and presumably wiser, typically in their late teens or early twenties.

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Did you know…

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Dry Socket is a painful condition that occurs when a blood clot never forms or becomes dislodged at the extraction site.


Call (810) 626 - 5662 to schedule a consultation